Provinto RPG
RPG Thoughts & Resources from the OSR to GURPS (I should've called this blog "The Gith Yankee")
Monday, June 3, 2024
10-Room Dungeon Brainstorm: Tomb of the Honorable Order of Glory (& Possibly Justice)
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
The Carrot Launcher (Large Carrot-Shooting Revolving Rifle)
This is probably going to be a bit of a strange, cutsie little post. I just posted it on my Mastodon and figured that I may as well also share it to any strange digital passersby who are searching for a carrot-shooting gun.
I had some thoughts on a baby carrot-shooting pistol revolver (and a more modern automatic pistol (TL6+1)) and a more typical, old-fashioned TL3+1 medium-sized 2-3oz carrot-shooting musket.
(TL 4+1) Large carrot-shooting revolving rifle, 1d-2(0.5) cr, Acc 1 Range 10/25 Weight 12/0.25 RoF 3, 12(3i) Shots, ST 10 Bulk -5 Rcl 3 $600 LC 3 (Malf 15; unloaded weight 9lbs; can't function without Mana).
This is a large rifle which features a medium-length beveled barrel, a large revolving chamber (idk gun terms tbh), each fitted with a large ~4oz carrot (complete with leafy green ends resting outside of their chambers). Upon shooting, the leafy green end is separated from the propelled carrot, dropping out the back of the rifle.
Friday, February 12, 2021
Martian Nerve Dart-Guns
A long time ago (apparently 19:47 15 October 2018 according to my notes) I started working on something for Moment of Truth RPG (MoT RPG). The idea for the campaign was a Martian planetary romance pulp action/adventure campaign. Primary inspiration came from the Dying Mars setting in the lovely GURPS Mars supplement (though, pretty much all GURPS supplements are lovely) and S.M. Stirling's novel In the Courts of the Crimson Kings, which is itself an homage to previous Martian planetary romances. I grabbed that book off the shelf when I was in high school and read it primarily because I'm a fan of King Crimson.
There's a weapon out of In the Courts of the Crimson Kings which helps to emulate a swashbuckling mode of combat with divergent bio-tech. On Stirling's Mars the guns are alive. If properly nourished, they produce gases and darts filled with a deadly neurotoxin. Getting shot with this neurotoxin-dart gun makes death a near certainty. The gun can only produce one dart at a time and needs time to do so, however. Thus a piratey swashbuckling vibe is established. Shoot your musket living dart gun once and then resort to blades in a combat because it simply takes too long to reload regrow.
In my notes I wrote that the physical damage of a dart gun would resemble a cross between a sling and a thrown knife (according to the MoT RPG weapon tables, p.56).
Weapon | Damage | Close | Optimal | Long | Notes |
Dart Pistol | Skill + 5 (4, 5) | C | 12m | 10m (2) | Ammo: 1, Living, Neurotoxin |
Dart Rifle | Skill + 8 (4, 5) | C-1m | 25m | 35m (2) | Ammo: 1, Living, Neurotoxin |
Living: This weapon is Martian bio-tech. It is alive. It requires nourishment (a special food paste for Martian tech and water) and is susceptible to disease. If properly cared for, it replenishes its ammo within four to six hours after shooting.
Neurotoxin: If any damage penetrates the target, the neurotoxin is delivered. The target is racked with pain and spasms. While under the effects of the neurotoxin, the target's throat clenches shut, are in terrible pain, and lose motor function. The target has the conditions Incapacitated and Suffocating. The suffocation counts as a surprise. To end the suffocation the target must succeed an Endurance stat roll with a -1d6 penalty. Once the character has ended their suffocating condition, they may attempt to end their Incapacitated condition at no further penalty.
Initially I had the Damage at Skill + 3 for the pistol and Skill + 5 for the Rifle. Transcribing it, I figured that I would bump it up. In my notes I initially have the conditions of the neurotoxin as Suffocation and Stunning and then switched it in the next paragraph to Incapacitation.
In retrospect, I honestly think that this could use some work. The Endurance rolls to overcome suffocation might become tedious. It could be better to just need someone to administer an antidote and then roll Endurance to overcome the incapacitation.
Friday, January 1, 2021
GURPS Animal: Dire Boar
I used the rules for dire animals according to the Natural Encyclopedia, which is a fantastic resource for high fantasy GURPS referees, and used the large boar in the Basic Set as a base. I did switch things around a little: changing the striker to impaling from piercing, since I wanted their tusks to be spear-like and frightening.
Friday, December 25, 2020
D&D/Pathfinder Poisons in GURPS
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
GURPS Monster: Weaverworm
Saturday, October 31, 2020
The Webbers
Friday, August 21, 2020
GURPS Monster: Shrieking Medusa Head
Saturday, July 4, 2020
Goblin Racial Template
Friday, June 19, 2020
Alchemical Elixirs: Sight
Gives the target the Infravision advantage.
Duration: 3d×5 minutes.
Form: Ointment only; must be applied directly to the eyes.
Cost: $600/$840
Recipe: $375, 1 week.
Dark Vision Elixir
Gives the target Dark Vision.
Duration: 3d×5 minutes.
Form: Ointment only; must be applied directly to the eyes.
Cost: $990/$1,450
Recipe: $525, 2 weeks.
Monday, June 8, 2020
Animated Object GURPS Metatrait
10-Room Dungeon Brainstorm: Tomb of the Honorable Order of Glory (& Possibly Justice)
I had started this 10-room dungeon back in March when I started a side campaign to a Traveller campaign that never made out of character ge...
[From the Future: I have made a follow-up post to this one here ] I have only recently discovered the Adventurer Conqueror King System (...
Months ago I posted a review of the Adventurer Conqueror King System . Since then I’d occasionally have thoughts about it. It seems a littl...
There are a lot of cool hex maps. Many very cool hex map versions of other cool maps which aren't into the hex thing. For instance -- t...
I have made a post before about the Goblin Laws of Gaming . That post was mostly about my discovery of the system (or systems) (or a framewo...
I had started this 10-room dungeon back in March when I started a side campaign to a Traveller campaign that never made out of character ge...