Saturday, July 4, 2020

Goblin Racial Template

When I was running an orc-based campaign where all the PCs played orcs, there was a great chance that they'd run into goblins, either as enemies or allies (or slaves, more likely), so I made this racial template. I wanted to make goblins a little different from what they were in D&D, but I enjoyed some of the cliches that they had. I mostly wanted the goblins to be more intelligent than they normally are represented, but have some bizarre compulsions. They're actually smarter than the orc template that I had made (although I might revise that in the future).

The Carrot Launcher (Large Carrot-Shooting Revolving Rifle)

This is probably going to be a bit of a strange, cutsie little post. I just posted it on my Mastodon and figured that I may as well also sha...