Friday, July 19, 2019

GLOG Heresy: Target 20, Armor Class, & "Revised" Attacks

WoW fan art of, I'm hoping, an inquisitor. I'd say AC 7. (Astri Lohne)
Hi folks, I'm here to announce that I'm committing GLOG heresy. Maybe I'm one of those weird people. I like to roll dice, which conflicted with the way that the GLOG's Defense stat works. I also wanted to have the Attack and Defense system simplified a little bit (I guess?) without the extra math (which Luther Gutekunst mentions but while it might not be as much of a problem if you just ignore the 10 it got me thinking) of subtracting from your Attack or Defense stats whenever there's an attack. Finally, I just like Target 20 and figure that introducing AC and attack bonuses would be both welcomed and found comfortable by new players (new Gloggers). Therefore, here I am announcing my heresy and nailing these ridiculous rules to this imaginary cathedral door I like to call a blog.
Disclaimer: I got kinda funny about ascending AC since I'm so excited about Target 20. Disregard any accusations of cowardice and recognize that those are honestly just directed at myself. 😉
Leather Brigandine and Shield, AC 6
Use this attack bonus against either descending AC with Target 20 (T20) or against ascending AC (AAC) (everyone reading this probably knows what that means and how that'll work -- though note that unarmored AAC is 11). The Goblin Master should note whether you're using ascending AC or Target 20, though if the group chooses ascending AC you're all fucking cowards🎔.
The original Attack stat changes slightly from a stat-to-be-rolled-under to a bonus. Effectively, it is ten less. There's no change in the progression, and the attack bonus is applied for both T20 and AAC without any change necessary. Here's the typical table for the Base Adventurer with the attack bonus spelled out:
Dark Dungeons p. 205.
There is no Defense 'stat', but a regular AC. You don't roll your AC. The Goblin Master makes a roll (or I guess you could roll it) with the attack bonus of the monster (the Goblin Master can just use whatever the PC would've deducted from their Defense stat (HD), but you can refer to Dark Dungeons for a nice table). If it hits, it hits. The Goblin Master should take note of everyone's Attack and AC so that the session doesn't drag. The improvement ratings for leather, chain, and plate armors and shields remain the same (2, 4, 6, and 1, respectively). Whether leather is a -2 or a +2 will, obviously, depend on whether AC is descending or ascending. An unarmored person (of average Dexterity) has AC 9 and AAC 11. Working in the piecemeal armor described in Kemp's original GLOG is something I'd like to work on implementing in this system. There's probably no real change whatsoever.
Probably all you need
Target 20 is a fairly simple concept. AC is descending. To attack an opponent, roll the holy icosahedron, add your attack bonus (and maybe an ability modifier if your Goblin Master is into that sort of thing) and your target's AC. If the result is 20 or higher, it is a hit. The Goblin Master doesn't necessarily need to tell you what the AC is. They could just note the target number (20-5=15, for instance) and see if any rolls beat that target number (which, I know, is basically the monster's end being Ascending Armor Class).
Ascending AC: Roll die. Add numbers. Be coward.
AD&D AC: If you yearn for the romanticism of AD&D (1e, 2e, 3x, etc) rather than Basic, then subtract one from the attack bonus and the math will work out the same. For average base adventurer to hit unarmored A/AC 10, they need to roll a 10.
Attack Matrix: No.
Without a shield, this is a paltry AC 3
Upon reflection, Luther Gutekunst's review of Rat on a Stick (one of my favorite GLOGs) definitely spring-boarded replacing the Attack-Defense system with the Attack Bonus-AC system. I don't really agree with targeting Rat on a Stick as the culprit for the combat subsystem. The Attack-Defense subsystem was developed in Kemp's original GLOG and carried over into the other GLOGs -- those rulesets which don't mention the combat system have an unwritten referral to this combat system. I do agree that the subsystem is clunky and weird, though. As much as my GURPS-aligned heart appreciates roll-under and the change will disrupt the cohesion with the Movement, Stealth, and Save stats, it's just easier presented this way and leaves the original probabilities unchanged.

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