Wednesday, December 12, 2018

GLOG Rulesets and Blogs

I have made a post before about the Goblin Laws of Gaming. That post was mostly about my discovery of the system (or systems) (or a framework for systems). This one will be edited over time, hopefully, to list and direct to GLOG rulesets that have been completed and shared and prolific and celebrated GLOG blogs. If you know of a GLOG ruleset that isn't on this list, please contact me or comment and I will update the list.



Just look here. Anne's list is WAY more exhaustive and detailed than mine.

1 comment:

  1. Since this post, I also completed a full GLOG cyberpunk hack here:


10-Room Dungeon Brainstorm: Tomb of the Honorable Order of Glory (& Possibly Justice)

I had started this 10-room dungeon back in March when I started a side campaign to a Traveller campaign that never made out of character ge...