Friday, June 19, 2020

Alchemical Elixirs: Sight

Infravision Elixir
Gives the target the Infravision advantage.
Duration: 3d×5 minutes.
Form: Ointment only; must be applied directly to the eyes.
Cost: $600/$840
Recipe: $375, 1 week.
Dark Vision Elixir
Gives the target Dark Vision.
Duration: 3d×5 minutes.
Form: Ointment only; must be applied directly to the eyes.
Cost: $990/$1,450
Recipe: $525, 2 weeks.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Animated Object GURPS Metatrait

I've been required to make a few different animated objects since I've been converting the Pathfinder 1e adventure path Carrion Crown to GURPS. In my first conversions (which were mostly, "it'll attack like this and die from this" without too much definition of its actual traits) I began each one independently, so they tended to vary quite a bit. Later into the campaign I realized that I would need a metatrait to handle animated objects. So that's what this post is...

10-Room Dungeon Brainstorm: Tomb of the Honorable Order of Glory (& Possibly Justice)

I had started this 10-room dungeon back in March when I started a side campaign to a Traveller campaign that never made out of character ge...