Wednesday, November 11, 2020

GURPS Monster: Weaverworm

This monster was very fun to convert and very fun to run. Had some trouble with the drag ability it's supposed to have in Pathfinder, but I decided that I would just have an alternate Web (an engulfing binding which pins rather than grapples) which some or most Weaverworms have.
ST 29 DX 14 IQ 11 HT 14; thr 3d sw 5d+2 Lift 168 HP 35 Will 12 Per 12 FP 14; SM+3 Speed 8 Move 7; Dodge 11, DR 6.
Traits: Clinging, Combat Reflexes, DR 6, Extra Attack, Fangs, Fit, Night Vision 9, No Legs (Slithers), Sharp Claws, Tunneling 2, Vibration Sense (air).
Abilities: Paralytics Nails {Affliction 3 (HT-2; Follow-up, claws; Parlysis; Reduced Duration, 1/60)}, Weaver's Song {Affliction 2 (Will-1; Daze; Hearing-Based; Reduced Duration, 1/30) While under this effect, the target moves towards the Weaverworm at a leisurely pace (Move 1) so long as the music continues}, Web {Binding 12 (Area Effect, 2 yards, +50%; Biological, -10%; Extended Duration 30x; Persistent, +40%; Reduced Range, x1/10, -30%; Only damaged by burning, corrosion, or cutting)}.
Skills: Brawling-17, Innate Attack (projectile)-18, Musical Instrument (Webbing-Strings)-15, Wrestling-15.
Bite (17) 3d-1 imp, Reach C-2.
Claws (17) 3d-1 cut plus paralytic nails, Reach C-2.
Web (17) Range 10.

A weaverworm which drags opponents has a web which engulfs them, thus pinning them. While the weaverworm maintains possession on the webs (i.e. doesn't use its claws to attack) it can drag its webbed targets as per the rules in B371.

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