Friday, December 25, 2020

D&D/Pathfinder Poisons in GURPS

As someone who reads my blog may gather, I've been running the Pathfinder adventure path Carrion Crown for quite a few months now in GURPS. I've had to convert a number of poisons and diseases as a result, though fortunately there are a number of conversions available elsewhere. While I am going to release all of my conversion notes for running Carrion Crown in GURPS (for that strange soul who also wants to practice this folly), I figured that I would compile the poisons that I've converted here for your leisure, and also so they would all be in one place for a change.

To clarify, I use the same poisons system as is mentioned in the Basic Set pp. 437-441.
  • Black Smear (TL1): A follow-up poison with a one minute delay and a HT roll to resist. Inflicts 1d-3 fatigue damage (minimum 1), repeating at 15-minute intervals for twelve cycles. Once injured by the poison, a victim suffers -2 ST before suffering any further ST reduction. A victim who loses 1/3, 1/2, or 2/3 FP has -4, -6, or -8 ST, respectively. $250/dose, $10/dose in underdark. LC1. (also appears in the Dark Creeper/Stalker racial template).
  • Ungol Dust (TL1): Respiratory Agent, no delay, HT-2 to resist, 1d-2 fatigue damage for twelve 10-minute cycles; inflicts drowsy at ⅓ FP; inflicts coughing despite success/failure. A (low-tech) face mask provides +1 to HT to resist.
  • Violet Venom (TL 1): Contact agent with no delay; HT+1 to resist, 1d-4 toxic damage (min 1), six 1-minute cycles; 1/3 HP lost yields ST-2 and HT-2, 2/3 HP lost yields ST-4.
  • Wyvern Poison (TL0): A follow-up poison with no delay; HT-2 to resist, 1d-1 toxic for five 1-minute cycles; victim suffers HT-3 once the poison inflicts 1/2 HP. (Shamelessly lifted from the Generic Universal Eggplant)
For fun, have a nice poison format/template:
[Poison Name] (TL): [Delivery] [delay] [resistance roll]. [effect], [number and length of cycles]. [any possible 

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